Vortragsreihe Freie Kunst: Suely Rolnik – Micropolitics towards the end of a world What does art have to do with this?
Mittwoch, 01.07.2020, Auditorium, 18:00 Uhr
Suely Rolnik:
„Micropolitics towards the end of a world
What does art have to do with this?”
The colonial-racialising-capitalistic regime strongly intervene in the micropolitical sphere in which is produced its existential consistency. Its specific type of violence in this sphere consists in the abuse of the vital forces of all elements composing the biosphere, whose essence is the creation-force of new ecologies, whenever it is needed for the perseveration of life. In human species, this means the abuse of creating drive, diverting it from its ethical destiny: the creation of an environmental, social and mental ecology that restores life’s equilibrium. In its contemporary version, based on financialised capital and the neo-liberal state, the colonial operation was extended throughout the planet and refined its power strategies, complexifying its micropolitical apparatus. From this results the limit situation we are living today everywhere, and also the difficulty in deciphering it. It becomes urgent to undo the kind of unconscious regime that maintains our desire under abuse, abandoning its formations in the social field and, with them, our characters in their scenes, through the performance of new characters, their bodies and their relational field – in sum, their ways of living. In this process, the boundaries between art, therapeutics and politics become indiscernible.
Suely Rolnik is a brazilian psychoanalyst, writer, curator and Full professor at Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (since 1979), where she founded the Subjectivity Studies Centre, at the Ph.D Program on Clinical Psychology. Her translated books in German or English: Zombie Anthropophagie. Zur neoliberalen Subjektivität. (Turia + Kant: Vienna/Berlin, 2018), Archive mania (HatjCantz /Documenta 13, 2011). With Félix Guattari she co-authored Molecular Revolution in Brazil (Semiotext: NY, 2006). She is the creator of the Archive for a work-event, on the brazilian artist Lygia Clark’s oeuvre (65 film interviews). A box with a selection of 20 interviews and a booklet was produced in France by Carte Blanche and in Brazil, by Cinemateca Brasileira and SESC-SP (2011). Alongside with Corinne Diserens, she was the curator of the exhibition Nous sommes le moule. A vous de donner le souffle. Lygia Clark, de l’œuvre à l’événement (Musée de Beaux-arts de Nantes, 2005 and Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, 2006). She is the translator in Portuguese of Deleuze and Guattari’s, Mille Plateaux (Ed. 34, 1997), among others. She is one of the founders of the South Conceptualisms Network (composed today by more then 60 Latin American researchers on conceptual artistic practices that took place in the continent during the 1960’ and 1970’). She was member of the Advisory Board of th 31th São Paulo Biennial (2014) and of the juries of the Casa de las Americas Prize (Cuba, 2014) and of Prince Claus Award for culture and development (Holand, 2015–2016).