Vortragsreihe Freie Kunst: Tue Greenfort – What a Strange Stranger
Artist Talk, 13. January , 6pm , Auditorium
Klasse Sadr Haghighian und Vortragsreihe Freie Kunst laden ein:
Tue Greenfort
„What a strange stranger“
Presentation of some artistic research around the notion of the non-human animal and other life forms within my own praxis illustrated and described through a selection of existing works.
Tue Greenfort’s interdisciplinary practice deals with issues such as the public and private realm, nature and culture. Interweaving these subjects with the language of a research based art practice the artist formulates an often direct critique of current economical and scientific production modes. Fascinated by the dynamics in the natural world, Greenfort’s work often evolves around ecological thinking and its history, including the environment, social relations, and human subjectivity. Tue Greenfort lives and works in Berlin and Zurich. He is represented by Johann König Gallery in Berlin. As a participant in dOCUMENTA(13) in Kassel, Greenfort was co-curator of an archive on multi-species co-evolution, „The Worldly House“. He has had extensive solo presentations at SculptureCenter (2013), Berlinische Galerie (2012), South London Gallery (2011), Kunstverein Braunschweig (2008) and Secession, Vienna (2007). Among his publications are to mention „Linear Deflection“, published by Walther König in 2009 and „Photosynthesis“, published by Sternberg Press in 2006.